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Source of Feminity

 - wild, free and brave -

20 april 2024  16-19h

For me?

You are welcome - just as you are. Bring all of yourself, especially those parts you believe are inappropriate.


Enough with shame! Enough with polished femininity! It's about lifting the fog veil of our consciousness and awakening from the sleep of paralysis and powerlessness. The wild woman within you is allowed to come alive, with all her facets - when a woman surrenders to the untamed energy of her own cycle, transformation and healing occur. Discover the wisdom within you, fueled from the source of your depth, and develop joy in living your femininity, your desire, your anger, and vulnerability.


If more and more women seek, find, and live their intrinsic truth, if more express this truth with their voice and their entire being, if we support each other, especially in our diversity, then the many scattered sparks suddenly become visible lights, which then combine into a great flame capable of burning away all that is inauthentic and illuminating the truth in the world.

The Vision

The feminine is as mysterious and secretive as water. It experiences itself in flowing, in letting happen, in surrender, and in receptivity. These are essential feminine qualities. The Vulva Power Workshop offers us the wonderful opportunity to embrace and surrender to these feminine qualities, to connect with our bodies, find our own voice, look at feelings of shame and wounds, witness and heal each other in our strength and vulnerability, for love and peace within us and in the world.

What happens?

Three hours on the topic of femininity, together with other women.

_A relaxation journey back to our womb space

_Grounding yoga practice to let our sensual energy flow and engage in dialogue with our sacred womb space

_Activation and harmonization of the Sacral Chakra - Flowing, surrender, and letting happen.

_Embodiment Session "Guilt, shame, anger - everything that appears is allowed to be expressed and let go"

_Chanting, dance & Mindful Touch

_Yoni Steaming with rose petals and mugwort



The workshop aims to help us get to know ourselves better, strengthen each other, celebrate or cry together, and set things in motion.


If you are unsure for any reason, or have questions, feel free to send us a message.

Duration: 3 hours

Location: Alhoa Yoga Paradise, Hauptstrasse 20, Düdingen

What to bring: Come in comfortable clothing in which you can move freely and feel good. Please bring a skirt/dress, a bath towel, a bowl/basin about 20-25 cm in diameter, colored pencils, a personal item for charging, and an open mind.

Note: This workshop is for women of all ages and takes place in a clothed state.

Sliding Price CHF 90.- to 120.-

To register:

Secure your spot by sending your contribution via Twint to the number 078 712 88 48 / 079 820 42 77 or via e-banking to CH85 8080 8006 5543 7296 4 / Raiffeisenbank Freiburg Ost. After receiving the payment, you will receive a confirmation of your participation.

Feedback from past Vulva Workshops:


"I found it very enriching and absolutely close to what we women need: Understanding, openness, being authentic, and being allowed to let go. Moreover, it was enriching to approach oneself in a different sensitive way, even without talking much, but giving space to one's body and the emotions that may come and feeling them." K. W.

"Dear women, I also enjoyed it very much. I didn't know any of the participants. Yet, from the first moment, I felt understood, accepted, and welcomed. Thank you, dear women 😍 This also has to do with you, Steffi and Frenzy, for giving space so that I could be completely with myself. Just be, cry out old baggage, without talking much. The joint steaming was also a great experience. I would love to come again." M. S.

"Despite the rain, there is a sun shining inside me ❤️ Infinite thanks to Frenzy and Steffi for the wonderful time we had. My heart is full of love, and I can't remember the last time I felt so complete! The puzzle of my life starts to get in order again. A night like yesterday has no price, it has value!!!" L. H.

Join us on the path to more body acceptance, self-love, and lived femininity."

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