Gentle Yin Yoga
Meditative yoga for all levels
A gentle practice with sitting or lying passive asanas that are held for a little longer. The body is gently stretched and realigned.
Relaxing yoga is very meditative and has a relaxing effect; on a physical level, stubborn adhesions in the connective tissue and energy blockages are released. Suitable for beginners and experienced users – even with physical limitations.

Intuitive, playful, without any claim to perfection
Continuous creative movements with different options combine different asanas (postures) into a constant flow.
Go according to your feeling and feel what your body needs right now.
The Intuitive Flow lesson is suitable for beginners and advanced users.

Attitude, Alignment, Action
Anusara Yoga is a young form of Hatha Yoga and means flowing with grace and following your heart.
Anusara is a life- and body-affirming yoga style that inspires both beginners and advanced practitioners with its precise alignment and a philosophy of “opening the heart.”